Surya Multidisciplinary Publication is a leading global platform dedicated to publishing books, edited books, conference proceedings, and journals in various disciplines including engineering, technology, science, management, and humanities. We aim to foster knowledge exchange and promote cutting-edge research that pushes the boundaries of innovation and understanding in these fields. With a commitment to excellence and a global reach, we provide a dynamic space for scholars, researchers, and professionals to share their insights, collaborate on groundbreaking projects, and contribute to the advancement of their respective fields. Join us in our mission to catalyze meaningful progress and make a lasting impact on the world of academia and beyond.

As an International open access Book and Journal publisher, Surya Multidisciplinary Publication likely has a specific aim and scope outlined to guide its operations and publishing decisions. Here’s a general idea of what their aim and scope might entail:


  1. Promoting Multidisciplinary Knowledge: Surya Multidisciplinary Publication aims to foster interdisciplinary research and understanding by publishing books that integrate insights from various fields.

  2. Facilitating Academic Exchange: The publisher seeks to facilitate scholarly communication and exchange of ideas among researchers, academics, and practitioners across different disciplines.

  3. Encouraging Innovation: Surya Multidisciplinary Publication aims to encourage innovative thinking and cross-pollination of ideas by publishing cutting-edge research and thought-provoking content.

  4. Advancing Education: The publisher is committed to advancing education by producing high-quality books that contribute to the intellectual growth and development of students, scholars, and professionals.


  1. Interdisciplinary Subjects: Surya Multidisciplinary Publication covers a wide range of interdisciplinary subjects, including but not limited to science, technology, social sciences, humanities, arts, and business.

  2. Diverse Formats: The publisher accepts manuscripts in various formats, including monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and textbooks, among others.

  3. Global Perspective: Surya Multidisciplinary Publication welcomes contributions from researchers and authors worldwide, aiming to reflect diverse perspectives and promote global dialogue.

  4. Rigorous Scholarship: The publisher maintains high standards of academic excellence and rigor, ensuring that all published works undergo thorough peer review and editorial scrutiny.

  5. Accessible Content: While upholding academic standards, Surya Multidisciplinary Publication strives to make its content accessible to a wide audience, including scholars, students, professionals, and general readers.

By adhering to these aims and scope, Surya Multidisciplinary Publication endeavors to make meaningful contributions to the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration.

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